Crystal MD: The massively parallel molecular dynamics software for metal with BCC structure


Material irradiation effect is one of the most important keys to use nuclear power. However, the lack of high-throughput irradiation facility and knowledge of evolution process, lead to little understanding of the addressed issues. With the help of high-performance computing, we could make a further understanding of micro-level-material. In this paper, a new data structure is proposed for the massively parallel simulation of the evolution of metal materials under irradiation environment. Based on the proposed data structure, we developed the new molecular dynamics software named Crystal MD. The simulation with Crystal MD achieved over 90% parallel efficiency in test cases, and it takes more than 25% less memory on multi-core clusters than LAMMPS and IMD, which are two popular molecular dynamics simulation software. Using Crystal MD, a two trillion particles simulation has been performed on Tianhe-2 cluster.

Computer Physics Communications